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[RGD32] 1st Call for Papers - 32nd Int'l Symp. on Rarefied Gas Dynamics 2020 (Seoul, South Korea)
이  름 : 관리자
시  간 : 2019-09-10 09:59:14 | 조회수 : 1458

Dear Colleague,

We cordially invite you to participate in the 32nd International Symposium on Rarefied Gas Dynamics (RGD32) on July 13th-17th (Mon-Fri), 2020, in Seoul, South Korea.

Rarefied gas dynamics (RGD) is a multi-disciplinary field encompassing molecular physics of gases and thermodynamics, mathematics, computational simulation, and application of underpinning technology in various sectors. RGD32 will serve as a global platform to bring together the best of current work on diverse and emerging subjects in RGD like kinetic theory for complex systems, mesoscale and multiscale modeling, hypersonic glide vehicles, shale gases, and vapor deposition processes.

Since the first symposium in Nice, France in 1958, it has been held every other year worldwide. RGD32 in Seoul will be the first RGD symposium to be held in South Korea and will include four inspiring plenary lectures from the world’s leading experts:


Grad Lecturer: Dr. Tai-Ping Liu, Institute of Mathematics, Academia Sinica

Thomas Lecturer: Prof. Wim Ubachs, Physics and Astronomy and LaserLaB, Vrije University

Bird Lecturer: Prof. Deborah Levin, Aerospace Engineering, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

GNU-ERC Lecturer: Prof. Emer. Byung-Chan Eu, Chemistry, McGill University


Relevant topics include




□ Boltzmann and Related Equations 

Kinetic Theory for Gases and Complex Systems 

Numerical Methods for Kinetic Equations 

PDE-based Computational Methods for Non-equilibrium Flows 

DSMC and Related Simulations 

Molecular Dynamics and Particle Methods 

Mesoscale and Multiscale Modeling

Micro- & Nano-scale Flows and Heat Transfer 

Porous Media Flows 


Granular Flows and Aerosols 

Multiphase Flows and Kinetic Modeling 

Non-equilibrium Reacting Flows 

Experimental Techniques for Non-equilibrium Flows 

Hypersonic Facilities and Diagnostics 


Space Vehicle Aerodynamics and Propulsion 

Shock Waves in Rarefied Flows 

Gas-Surface Interactions and Slip Flows 

Vacuum Technology  

Vapor Deposition Processes and Simulation

Molecular Beams and Collisions

Plasma Flows and Processes

Jets, Plumes and Surface Interaction

Radiation and Astrophysics

High-performance Computing in RGD 




Papers will be selected based on a one-page abstract. The abstract template will be available on the RGD32 website by December 1st, 2019. Full manuscripts (not mandatory) will be solicited in August 2020. Manuscripts that are accepted after review will be published in AIP Conference Proceedings.


Contact email : rgd32@gnu.ac.kr (primary), rgd32nd@gmail.com (backup)


For details about the symposium, please visit the website at http://www.rgd32.org/


We look forward to welcoming you to Seoul, South Korea, on July 13th-17th, 2020.




Rho Shin Myong (Chair) , Gyeongsang National University (myong@gnu.ac.kr; http://actrc.gnu.ac.kr/)

Kun Xu (Co-Chair) , Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (makxu@ust.hk; http://www.math.ust.hk/~makxu/)

Jong-Shinn Wu (Co-Chair) , National Chiao Tung University (chongsin@faculty.nctu.edu.tw; http://appl.nctu.edu.tw/)


RGD in Six Decades

Nice (France, 1958) Berkeley (USA, 1960) Paris (France, 1962) Toronto (Canada, 1964)

Oxford (UK, 1966) Cambridge (USA, 1968) Pisa (Italy, 1970) Stanford (USA, 1972)

Gottingen (Germany, 1974) Aspen (USA, 1976) Cannes (France, 1978) Charlottesville (USA, 1980)

Novosibirsk (Russia, 1982) Tsukuba (Japan, 1984) Grado (Italy, 1986) Pasadena (USA, 1988)

Aachen (Germany, 1990) Vancouver (Canada, 1992) Oxford (UK, 1994) Beijing (China, 1996)

Marseille (France, 1998) Sydney (Australia, 2000) Whistler (Canada, 2002) Bari (Italy, 2004)

Saint-Petersburg (Russia, 2006) Kyoto (Japan, 2008) Pacific Grove (USA, 2010) Zaragoza (Spain, 2012)

Xian (China, 2014) Victoria (Canada, 2016) Glasgow (UK, 2018) Seoul (South Korea, 2020)