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[RGD32] Abstract Submission Open and 2nd CFP - 32nd Int'l Symp. on Rarefied Gas Dynamics 2020 (Seoul, South Korea)
Name : 관리자
Date : 2019-12-10 17:43:52 | Hit : 973
Dear Colleague,


We cordially invite you to participate in the 32nd International Symposium on Rarefied Gas Dynamics (RGD32) on July 13th-17th (Mon-Fri), 2020, in Seoul, South Korea.


Rarefied gas dynamics (RGD) is a multi-disciplinary field encompassing molecular physics of gases and thermodynamics, mathematics, computational simulation, and application of underpinning technology in various sectors. RGD32 will serve as a global platform to bring together the best of current work on diverse and emerging subjects in RGD like kinetic theory for complex systems, mesoscale and multiscale modeling, hypersonic glide vehicles, shale gases, and vapor deposition processes. (Symposium topics and other information can be found in the attached CFP and website.)


Abstract submission for RGD32 is now open at http://www.rgd32.org/


Authors are invited to submit their one-page abstracts online (after creating an account via sign up and login) by uploading docx or LaTeX zip file before March 15, 2020. Full manuscripts (optional) will be solicited in August 2020 and manuscripts that are accepted after review will be published in AIP Conference Proceedings around July 2021.


Abstract template and further information are available at http://www.rgd32.org/submission.asp


Online registration for RGD32 will open on February 1st, 2020 .


In addition to four plenary lectures (Grad, Thomas, Bird, GNU-ERC), more than a dozen keynote lectures will be presented at RGD32. The lists of currently confirmed plenary/keynote lecturers are available at http://www.rgd32.org/plenary.asp and http://www.rgd32.org/keynote.asp


Contact email : rgd32@gnu.ac.kr (primary), rgd32nd@gmail.com (backup)


We look forward to welcoming you to Seoul, South Korea, on July 13th-17th, 2020.




Rho Shin Myong (Chair) , Gyeongsang National University (myong@gnu.ac.kr)

Kun Xu (Co-Chair) , Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (makxu@ust.hk)

Jong-Shinn Wu (Co-Chair) , National Chiao Tung University (chongsin@faculty.nctu.edu.tw)


RGD in Six Decades

Nice (France, 1958) Berkeley (USA, 1960) Paris (France, 1962) Toronto (Canada, 1964)

Oxford (UK, 1966) Cambridge (USA, 1968) Pisa (Italy, 1970) Stanford (USA, 1972)

Gottingen (Germany, 1974) Aspen (USA, 1976) Cannes (France, 1978) Charlottesville (USA, 1980)

Novosibirsk (Russia, 1982) Tsukuba (Japan, 1984) Grado (Italy, 1986) Pasadena (USA, 1988)

Aachen (Germany, 1990) Vancouver (Canada, 1992) Oxford (UK, 1994) Beijing (China, 1996)

Marseille (France, 1998) Sydney (Australia, 2000) Whistler (Canada, 2002) Bari (Italy, 2004)

Saint-Petersburg (Russia, 2006) Kyoto (Japan, 2008) Pacific Grove (USA, 2010) Zaragoza (Spain, 2012)

Xian (China, 2014) Victoria (Canada, 2016) Glasgow (UK, 2018) Seoul (South Korea, 2020)