
항공기에서 마차 바퀴의 린치핀과 같은 급소 역할을 담당하고,

국내 독자 개발 항공기에 적용이 가능한 미래형 고효율·안전 항공핵심기술을

개발하고자 합니다.

Our Research
  • The seven-year (2017.06-2024.02) project with annual budget of 2,953M Won ($2.6M USD) seeks to develop the advanced aircraft core technology with high efficiency and safety oriented towards industrial demand.
  • The engineering research center consists of three core research groups (12 professors from GNU, UNIST, KAIST, and SNU; 11 domestic partner companies; 13 foreign partner institutions). The aircraft core technology meets not only industrial demand but also long-term national strategic technology development goal.
Long Term Vision
  • ACTRC aims to commercialize aircraft core technology, and to take charge of R&D function of Jinju-Sacheon aeronautical industrial complex located near the university.
  • The center aims to develop into a financially independent center after the end of the governmental support by receiving fund from companies, like the US NIAR and CALCE cases.
  • 항공핵심기술 국가 전략분야 씨앗기술 창출 거점센터 개요를 설명

  • 진주지구 사천지구 지도
  • 항공산업 국가산업단지 진주지구 지도
  • 항공산업 국가산업단지 사천지구 지도