
항공기에서 마차 바퀴의 린치핀과 같은 급소 역할을 담당하고,

국내 독자 개발 항공기에 적용이 가능한 미래형 고효율·안전 항공핵심기술을

개발하고자 합니다.

Research Outcomes
  • Dissemination of research outcome :
    Publication of more than 100 articles in the top 10% level journals (yearly average 14 articles)
  • Dissemination of practical outcome :
    Domestic & international patent and technology transfer
    Introduction of Chief Patent Officer system and filing of a total of 45 patents
    Granting normal license of patents to 11 partner companies and commercialization
  • Training of next-generation researchers and set-up of facilities for industry :
    Training more than 181 researchers, including 98 master’s and 73 doctoral students
    Supporting junior professors and researchers using the matching fund
    Establishing laboratory for joint use of industry-academy equipment in Jinju-Sacheon aeronautical industrial complex using the matching fund